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One of my favorite Mestre Barrão's songs describing the loss and longing when Mestre Leopoldina, a famous Capoeira Master, passed away. Mestre Leopoldina was also one of the historical figures of Capoeira and was famous for his malandragem (trickeries). It is said that he had been once the foreman of the King Zumbi of Quilombo dos Palmares, one of the most famous runaway slaves' settlements in Brazil.

Mestre Leopoldina Morreu

Master Leopoldina's Passing

Hoje a saudade apertou no meu peito
Quando meu berimbau se quebrou

Today, the longing is so great (i.e. pressing on my chest)
When my Berimbau broke

Avisando que a Capoeira, entristeceu 
Que o saodoso Mestre foi embora 
Mestre Leopoldina morreu

A warning of such sadness in Capoeira
Leaving a hole in the heart when a Master passed away
Mestre Leopoldina had died
Hoje as terras de Aruanda esta em festa
Com a chegada do grande poeta,e cantador
Que aqui na terra deixou muita saudade
Com jeito de jogar e a malandragem
No mundo que o Mestre se consagrou
Today, in the land of Aruanda is this party
With the arrival of a great poet and singer
That on this earth made great nostalgia
With a manner to play and "malandragem" (trickeries) 
In the world that the Master was consecrated
Com seu chapeu de aba,e terno branco
Malandro elegante que ao povo encantou
Foi moleque pobre sem dinheiro
Ja vendeu limao, ja foi baleiro
Mas na Capoeira foi Doutor
With his brimmed hat and white suit
Elegant "malandro" that the people was enchanted
He was a poor child without money
Already sold lemon, and selling candies* 
But in Capoeira was a Doctor (expert?)
Do Rio de Janeiro pro mundo ele levou
Sua maladragem a mandinga seu valor
Mas seu destino na terra ele cumpriu
Chegou a hora ele partiu
Pra perto de Deus nosso Senhor
From Rio de Janeiro he took the world
For the value of his "maladragem", "mandinga
But his destiny on earth, he has fulfilled
It's time that he left
To be close to God, our Lord

*indicating harshness in life

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