Axé Capoeira utilizes a belt system to acknowledge the knowledge of the capoeira student. The belt is known as “corda”, or cord - an important part of contemporary Capoeira, and is presented to the student during an event called the Batizado (baptism) or Troca de Corda (changing of the belt) ceremony. This is an event that celebrates the Brazilian culture through dances and music and where students can progress through the belt system.
Mestre Bimba was the first Capoeira Master to introduce cordas and a ranking system when he created the style of Capoeira Regional. Other Capoeira Regional and Contemporãnea groups have since adapted and created their own unique belt systems. As mentioned above, a corda is received on the day of a Batizado (baptism) or Troca de Corda (changing of the belt) ceremony, and is normally given by a master or professor level student. Students train throughout the year(s) to meet the requirements to receive their next corda. Requirements normally consist of length of time training, knowledge of movements and the history of capoeira, a dedication to learning portuguese, knowledge of capoeira songs and various instruments and rhythms, and embodiment of the group philosophy.
Each new belt requires that these requirements are met to an increasing level of proficiency, and as a student starts to become a teacher, additional requirements are also taken into account. These include leadership quality, dedication to the grupo (e.g. keeping up-to-date with improving his skills/knowledge, travel to events etc.), dedication to his/her students and academy, as well as quality of teaching. It is also important to note that, especially in Grupo Axé Capoeira, having branches in 26 different countries in the world, one is judged by the standard of the entire group. This is done in order to maintain the quality of Capoeira that is practiced by Axé Capoeira students world-wide.
Children's Graduation System (13 years and younger)
From left - right:
Crua, Ponta/Cinza, Crua/Cinza, Cinza, Ponta/Laranja, Cinza/Laranja, Laranja, Ponta/Azul, Laranja/Azul
Youth & Adult's Graduation System (14 years and older)
From left - right:
Crua, Crua/Azul, Azul, Azul/Marrom, Marrom, Marrom Verde, Verde (Graduado)
From left - right:
Verde/Amarelo (Instrutor), Amarelo (Professor), Amarelo/Roxo (Professor), Roxo (Contra-Mestre), Roxo/Vermelho (Mestrando), Vermelho (Mestre 1o Grau), Vermelho/Branco (Mestre 2o Grau), Branco (Gran Mestre)